WAUKEGAN IL. Jan 28 2008 -- A six-month investigation into alleged ghost-payrolling at the Waukegan Public School District led to the arrest this week of two district security guards on felony theft charges.
Taken into custody Wednesday was Anthony Artley, 41, of the 500 block of Lakehurst in Waukegan, while the second suspect, 47-year-old DeWayne Williams of the 39000 block of Ackworth, Beach Park, reportedly turned himself in to police on Thursday.
Williams is known in the Waukegan sports community as the backfield mate of the late Gerald Green, the Waukegan West track and football All-American. Williams has been employed as the supervisor of safety at the Waukegan Ninth Grade Center.
Police Chief William Biang said Williams and Artley, a fellow Ninth Grade Center employee, are accused of arranging to be paid for time they did not work. The arrests were the result of an investigation launched in July after school officials asked police to look into allegations of payroll and accounting irregularities.
Asked how much money the men are accused of taking, Biang said, "It's all still under investigation. We're not done counting it, and there are more things that might come out." Biang added that the amounts "will be substantial."
Both men are charged with Class 3 felony theft.
Following their arrests, Artley and Williams were released on $35,000 personal recognizance bonds.
Officials also said they have been placed on administrative leave by the school district.
Officials asked that anyone with information call detectives at (847) 599-2947.
Taken into custody Wednesday was Anthony Artley, 41, of the 500 block of Lakehurst in Waukegan, while the second suspect, 47-year-old DeWayne Williams of the 39000 block of Ackworth, Beach Park, reportedly turned himself in to police on Thursday.
Williams is known in the Waukegan sports community as the backfield mate of the late Gerald Green, the Waukegan West track and football All-American. Williams has been employed as the supervisor of safety at the Waukegan Ninth Grade Center.
Police Chief William Biang said Williams and Artley, a fellow Ninth Grade Center employee, are accused of arranging to be paid for time they did not work. The arrests were the result of an investigation launched in July after school officials asked police to look into allegations of payroll and accounting irregularities.
Asked how much money the men are accused of taking, Biang said, "It's all still under investigation. We're not done counting it, and there are more things that might come out." Biang added that the amounts "will be substantial."
Both men are charged with Class 3 felony theft.
Following their arrests, Artley and Williams were released on $35,000 personal recognizance bonds.
Officials also said they have been placed on administrative leave by the school district.
Officials asked that anyone with information call detectives at (847) 599-2947.
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January 28, 2009
BY NICHOLAS ALAJAKIS nalajakis@scn1.com
WAUKEGAN -- Former Waukegan security guards Anthony Artley and DeWayne Williams have been found not guilty of bilking the school district out of thousands of dollars.
Circuit Judge John Phillips ruled late Monday afternoon there is not enough evidence to support the allegations.
Williams of Beach Park and Artley of Waukegan were accused of falsifying time cards. Prosecutors alleged that the men worked other jobs during hours when they were supposed to be on duty in Waukegan. They were cleared on six counts of theft each.
That the men were found not guilty came as no surprise to Artley's attorney, Douglas Roberts, who questioned why the men were ever charged.
"I don't think that the judge had any choice," Roberts said. "The state was woefully short in the evidence that they needed (for a guilty verdict)."
During the bench trials, many witnesses -- including the security guards' former supervisor, Al Rogers -- testified that the time sheets turned in by staff only represent hours they are scheduled to work, and not necessarily their actual hours.
Roberts and Williams' attorney, Elliot Pinsel, argued from the beginning of the case that their clients were simply following a protocol that had been in place for years.
Roberts said he thought Rogers' testimony was the most helpful, because he explained that security guards were often allowed to work different hours than what they were scheduled as long as Rogers verbally approved it.
"(Rogers's testimony) had all the weight in the world," Roberts said. "He is a department head, and he is authorized to set shifts and make changes."
Pinsel said he thinks the trial could have been avoided if school officials spoke with Artley and Williams before going to police.
Pinsel said Roberts they don't know what their clients will do next. Williams and Artley lost their jobs with the school district following their arrest, and both were maligned in the press, Pinsel said.
"Where do the guys go to get their reputation back?" he asked.
This seems to be part of the RICO enterprise, innocent people are Arrested and placed on trial for media attention and personal gain , as always the public is completely unaware of the facts and on many occasions joined the State’s plot for a modern –day hanging. I hope the individuals responsible for drawing-up fake criminal activity just to make the state's attorney's office look important are brought to justice. One of many fake cases>> The alleged Ghost Payroll Scam!!!! THIS ONE YEAR FAKE CASE COST THE TAX PAYER OVER $250.000 alleging a theft of $2,300??? It was no surprise the men were found not guilty on all six felony counts of theft??? Not enough evidence the “judge” entered!!! On the heads of the clueless, buying in to lies with missing facts. The cover up is “criminal” and is the true crime. Thus, all involving parties who acted upon these allegations without complete understanding of the facts or evidence. The Rico Act was set fourth for these reasons Political Corruption!!!!! There are plenty of true crimes from all walks of life being committed. Go get’em Mr. Waller and make the evidence stick!!!
Waller said they "constantly report the same false claims. They don't have any interest in the truth." now thats funny! I think Waller should look in the mirror. With all due respect ms rotheimer they offer a plea deal for every single case that come to them. In many cases the claims are false against the defendants and they do not have the funds for a big court battle. they take a plea innocent or not. Thats exactly what the states atty off is hoping for. that way they can rack up another conviction. the police another arrest. In many case the truth does not matter to them. just votes and promotions. The plea ndeal are not just happening in s@x cases. they happen in every case.
You can't beat city hall!!! It's sad...but it is that simple. The corruption among those in office will always be ignored. Especially with the WALLERS.....They have used their power to destroy so many individuals that did not have the means to fight back at them. One covers the lies of the other. Major things have been covered up to hide the embarrassment of the tactics of Waller. Another fake case>> How can a clerk who stole fine money which would result in a felony never get anything more then a little write up.....and forgotten about. NO JAIL TIME...and managed to get another GREAT JOB......Could it be that someone was protecting their muffin....and DUI's. HOLY cripes...you have judges sitting on the benches that used their power to keep their OWN RELATIVES from being fined.....DIRT.....Yes it is.....but do not set up there as being above us. You have used your power to the fullest for corruption!!!! It's just not MEATY enough for the PRESS to cling onto....Because the bigger cities get the coverage.
By NICHOLAS P. ALAJAKIS nalajakis@scn1.com
WAUKGAN -- A small group of Michael Waller critics say they are trying to drum up more opposition to the longtime Lake County state's attorney.
At a Monday morning gathering outside the Lake County Building, each person in the group had a gripe against Waller.
We feel the state's attorney's office has been counter-productive to change," said Waukegan resident Christopher Blanks, who bemoaned what he calls "malicious prosecutions" by Waller's office.
Blanks, who is a member of the Black Abolition Movement for the Mind and the National Action Network of Lake County, was joined by members of Mothers Against Violence and Illinois Family Court Accountability Advocates.
Blanks criticized Waller's office for not prosecuting police officers for a pair of 2008 shooting deaths of young black males in Waukegan and North Chicago. He also pointed the finger at Waller for a grand jury's ruling in January that a Waukegan store clerk was justified in fatally shooting a robber who fled his store.
At a microphone with Blanks was Barrington resident and longtime Waller critic Denise Rotheimer, who raked the state's attorney's office for its handling of child sexual assault cases.
Rotheimer urged everyone with complaints to demand "justice" from elected officials.
Waller said afterward that the complaints heard Monday were repetitive and without merit.
"They are factually inaccurate," he said, referring to Rotheimer, Blanks and Sheila Mannix, who also spoke Monday. He said they "constantly report the same false claims. They don't have any interest in the truth."
The people at the protest said they'll sponsor a march dubbed "Justice for All" at 2 p.m. May 6 in downtown Waukegan.
The comments provoked by Alajakis’ article exemplify the reality that we citizens have a right to the allegations of misconduct and abuses of power by our public officials to be investigated. Ex-governor Ryan did great things in office. He also broke federal law and sits in a federal prison – because the death of children exposed his crimes We have judges, state’s attorneys, sheriffs, and other public officials who are allegedly violating state and federal law as well. And these crimes include theft of honest services and fraud against the government - all on our taxpayers’ tab. We have enough evidence and witness testimony for the initiation of legislative hearings in Springfield regarding the conduct of multiple public officials. The murder of the Connolly boys due to Illinois’ Pay-to-Play Parenthood which involves the judiciary, state’s attorney’s offices, sheriff’s offices, and local police departments got news coverage. It is but one of thousands of cases involving similar misconduct and abuses of power that results in irreparable harm and even death to innumerable children across our state. I know of no honest public official, especially honest cops and firefighters, who would not support stopping irreparable harm of children by corrupt public officials. All self-interest driven rationalizations aside, who will take the point to initiate legislative hearings? Perhaps State Representative Bob Biggins. (R–Elmhurst
Trend in Judge Phillips's courtrooms of the School Security Officers Charged With Ghost Payrolling.
"Judge Phillips" has a Great deal of Experience on the bench and an appreciation of the human condition. Legal issues are handled fairly and concise in his courtroom; let’s face it sometimes people can hear bad news when they know that they have been heard by a person with wisdom and that they got a fair shake. When people feel angry at the system, it’s because they feel they were shortchanged in one way or another”. Great job Sir, D. R
Just wait. There are alot of other pots simmering on the states attys stove here. There will be more lack of evidence cases for them. It was just electetion time dont forget. They had to make some false arrests to get them past november. to make them look important. then the cases fall apart after the election, but no matter. they are still in office. agenda agend agenda. when will something be done?
Citizens of Waukegan, it is very clear to the human eye how our tax dollars are wasted. School administrators are funding expensive personal agendas, without merit or logic to support their personal agendas. This administration funded a malicious fake prosecution without any evidence to support the allegations. The school district is where the majority of taxpayer’s dollars are spent and more likely wasted, whether you have children attending the district or not. School administrators and school board appointees are making poor decisions that effect our children's education and our financial future. A large sum of money was spent on a year long “Ghost payroll scam investigation”. The School District produced absolutely nothing concluding it’s year long investigation. I must admit at first light of the allegations an outraged emotion fueled my heart. I took a personal interest in the accused bilking the school district. I attended portions of the trial and was I surprise to discover an immensely amount of facts regarding the allegations. Without merit, School Administrators should have been the ones on trial. There was absolutely no evidence to support the charges. This is of many personal agenda driven plots this Administration has funded. A host of Lawsuits are pending currently against the District as a result of many foul-ups. I'm just a plain hard-working citizen however, common sense deem me to understand certain factices: School Board accountability, Belt tightening, Transparency at a reasonable cost? What do you say, Waukegan District 60? Please let’s learn from our failing strategies and mis presentation.
No of course more tax-dollars will be spent supporting a lawsuit due to these idiots’ agenda.
This seems to be part of the RICO enterprise, innocent people are Arrested and placed on trial for media attention and personal gain , as always the public is completely unaware of the facts and on many occasions joined the State’s plot for a modern –day hanging. I hope the individuals responsible for drawing-up "fake criminal activity" just to make the state's attorney's office look important are brought to justice. One of many fake cases>> The alleged Ghost Payroll Scam!!!! THIS ONE YEAR FAKE CASE COST THE TAX PAYER OVER $250.000 alleging a theft of $2,300??? The Media broke the story as a "ghost payrolling" of $10.000 and up!!! The true amount is $ 2,300 so why would anyone result to spending so much money? Spend well over $250,000 to retrieve $2,300 I can appreciate the overall principal to support their efforts but it really do not make sense to say the lease. That’s entirely way to much money to waste. It was no surprise the men were found not guilty on six felony count theft??? Not enough evidence the “judge” entered. On the heads of the clueless, buying in to lies with missing facts. The cover up is “criminal” and is the true crime. Thus, all involving parties who acted upon these allegations without complete understanding of the facts or evidence. The Rico Act was set fourth for these reasons Political Corruption!!!!! There are plenty of true crimes from all walks of life being committed. Go get’em Mr. Waller and make the evidence stick!!!
This has to be terribly embarrassing to the School Board, both Superintendents and the Waukegan Police Department whom all refused to explain why this lack of follow up and completely operating outside of procedures has costs sums in tax payer’s money. To continue such political corruption and police cover ups, seemingly designed by the School Board and the Major’s office to obtain the Director of Security position.. The Police department even withdraws from the investigation early in Feb 08 after determining nothing was there during the searching of pay documents, which poses the question. “IS THIS A SETUP?????
The School Board hires an outside investigation service “OF FORMAL FBI & POLICE” to resume the witch hunt. The data must support the apparent implications for the public /tax payers to buy in to the SCAM!!!! Waukegan’s Schools Board has Scammed the public and tax payers are stuck paying the bill$$$$$$$ they refuse to answer legitimate questions regarding the real point and purpose of the School Board’s witch hunt!!! The School Board’s using inaccurate and outdated information in its attempts to justify a staged crime. The School Board is aware this action doesn’t reflect actual policy and patterns of its processes. “Really now “ accusing two security guards of scamming $ 2,300 over a two year period is not worth spending over $250.000 of tax payers money. If this was a true accusation “why” not just fire the two men as pass practices deemed so many times in the past. There are many incidents where former employees of District 60 were fired due to time falsification. They were giving an administrative due processing hearing and if found that violations had occurred that employee was fired or asked to resigned. It’s like the world turned upside-down with the not guilty verdict. People of all forms voice their personal opinion and attacked these men without knowing the FACTS!!!!!
I heard many Lake county residents express in glowing details their critical evaluation and person attacks of the men falsely accused. The two men were deemed guilty before a trail even began. Most likely, since the public depend on the school system to provide them with the information they use to make decisions, the problem is more than one of the not exercising effective oversight over the school system’s processes. The public was being mislead and fooled by the media “ A useful weapon when attempts are made to persuade the public and jury. The School Board is ultimately responsible for spending $250.00 dollars$$$ on this fake case.
When a bureaucrat embarrasses the elected officials who’ve committed an oversight over him, it’s not uncommon for the career of that bureaucrat to be cut somewhat short. Restoring confidence in the County’s Schools officials of District 60. Whose responsibility is probably not an option, but an imperative? The School Board has the position for simply just doing a good job and being honest with the taxpayers/ public. It’s an object lesson in earned political capital.
I’m surprised that the Police and local Mayor’s office is in such a position any lessons learned? In any case they WERE apart of this witch hunt and in the process two men lives were damaged. I attended parts of the trail during Mr. Artley’s testimony and evidence was present that Mr. Artley was indeed with the I. A .Police department and an up scale professional. I was very impressed with his demeanor and the way he answered all the questions during his cross examination with the State’s Attorney. Mr. Artley testimony was direct and concise covering lots of missing information concerning the School Board conspiracy. The State Attorney's continuing objections to information provided filled the courtroom, however the Judge stated “you are over rule” I want to hear from the Defendant . What a mess!!!
lAW Suit against District 60
ARTLEY et al v. Waukegan Public Schools Dist. 60
Share | Plaintiffs: James Askew , Anthony Artley , Sylvia England , Timothy Gause , Gwendolyn Kennedy , Alphonso Rogers , Wilma Tally and Dewayne Williams
Defendant: Waukegan Public Schools Dist. 60
Case Number: 1:2010cv01840
Filed: March 23, 2010
Court: Illinois Northern District Court
Office: Chicago Office [ Court Info ]
Presiding Judge: Honorable Virginia M. Kendall
Nature of Suit: Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights
Cause: 28:1331 Federal Question: Other Civil Rights
Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff
Cop who teaches interrogation techniques involved in false confessions
Full story: The Daily Gazette
CHICAGO – Waukegan police Officer Domenic Cappelluti has made extra money sharing his expertise with police in departments across the country, teaching them how to interrogate suspects, investigate homicides and fight street gangs, according to the website that promotes his classes.
Comments Post:
This officer was on the team of investigaters for the Waukegan Ghost payroll case. He tried the same interrogation tactic however it was proven to be unsuccessful, Artley did not buy into it…… It's said the Cop who teaches interrogation techniques instructed Artley to sign a blank statement form advising Artley he would type his Verbal statement in word for word later. P.S DON'T TALK TO THE POLICE OR SIGNED ANYTHING!!!!
Comments Post:
Yeah!! Artley is lucky he did not signed that blank statement because this cop would have applied his expertise to set him up with every unsolved case since 1950. Just "Imagine" there are so many people out there who believe during a Interrogation the police are really their friend ,actually they just want a Verbal Confession for a Conviction of any kind guilty or not. Remember he is making extra money sharing his expertise with police in departments all across the country, teaching them how to interrogate suspects. LMAO!!!!!
They just didn't do the stuff they could've done at the beginning," Artley's attorney said. "We can't be making decisions based upon such little evidence and affecting people's lives like this."
Placing people in jail and putting them thru court proceedings for over a year, for nothing with out facts.
"You can't make the problem, clean it up and then act like a hero," Artley's attorney saids. "They charged him and knew the evidence was not there. Now District's Admin are acting like they are trying to save the world. The District can't have it both ways."
Artley's attorney indicated he has pursued a lawsuit.
"The problem is really with the District /Police's department relying on made up eyewitness and testimony, it's a step above a jailhouse informant." Schedule hours reports are not safe guards to determine theft. The entire security staff is following the same protocol.
The District/Police's spokesman denied that their offices has a problem with high-profile cases.
"It happens all over the country, people get arrested and released but it may not have the media attention like (it does here in Lake County),
Ex-guards cleared in Waukegan school theft case
January 30, 2009
Waukegan — Two former security guards were found not guilty this week of stealing from the Waukegan school system.
In January 2008, prosecutors charged Anthony Artley, 42, of Waukegan and Dewayne Williams, 47, of Beach Park with theft, saying they billed the school district for hours they did not work.
But defense attorneys said the men, who also testified in their own defense, worked the hours and hadn't been deceptive.
FOR THE RECORD - Additional material published Feb. 4, 2009:
A blotter map in some Chicagoland Extra editions on Friday mismatched the map locations and town labels of Gurnee and Waukegan. In fact, Gurnee is inland while Waukegan is on Lake Michigan.
Ex-guards cleared in Waukegan school theft case
January 30, 2009
Waukegan — Two former security guards were found not guilty this week of stealing from the Waukegan school system.
In January 2008, prosecutors charged Anthony Artley, 42, of Waukegan and Dewayne Williams, 47, of Beach Park with theft, saying they billed the school district for hours they did not work.
But defense attorneys said the men, who also testified in their own defense, worked the hours and hadn't been deceptive. During Artley’s cross-examination the States Attorney Fix requested Judge’s Phillips permission to exit the court room to consult assistant before continuing Artley cross-examination. Fix later returned only for the prosecution to rest with no evidence or case against Artley.
This is one of the most horrible things that I've ever heard of. As a mother, I can't fathom my son being sent to jail, on top of that being accused and then finally going to jail for something he did not do. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that there are Districts and polices officers out there who are supposed to be helping us, the same ones who can be so driven to build a case around one person even if it doesn't add up. I've been to law
School and understand these processes very well.
I've read all the books and this is just wrong. Artley/ Williams are going to sue the pants off of District 60th and there's nothing they can do because they did it to themselves.
I hope in the future lack of due-process tactics change. Seeing things like this makes me question a lot of cases, especially the ones Capelluti worked on.
Suing District 60
Regarding Artley's & Williams lawsuit against the School District: Why should the taxpayers have to pay for the School Administrators screw-up with respect to Artley & Williams?
Whatever amount they will get should come out of the School Administrators officials’ pension and wages. Now let’s equate the tons of dollars the District is spending to defend against the lawsuit which again the taxpayer is footing the bill right now!!!! Enough is enough stop spending money that doesn’t belong to you. The School board and its failed Administrators’ are the owners of this expensive mess.
Waukegan detective Domenic Cappelluti, member of the Lake County Major Crime Task Force,“concocted a story” which they told Hobbs to “parrot back to them,” the lawsuit says.
The Cop who teaches interrogation techniques involved in false confessions STRIKES AGAIN!!!!! Who knows how many Innocent people are jailed/ in prison due to this bad cop's interrogation techniques.
Although our judicial system might work under the motto of "Innocent until proven guilty," our police system allocates guilt and punishment upon arrest and until judicial review. Anyone with an encounter with the police not only knows that an arrest implies guilt (at least under the eyes of the police and general society), but it also - like in this situation - gives police the ultimate authority "behind closed doors" to coerce the guilt and admission using any means necessary. Serve and protect? Arrest and condemn... Innocent until proven guilty…. Right? Guilty until proven innocent.. It's all about money.. poor people get what they can pay for in the justice system... we read time and time again that people who pay for a fierce lawyer can help protect their rights or end up not serving time...Now if you’re without funding, let me tell you are pretty screwed in this country especially in Lake county.
We have the jail system with more inmates in the world, we have the most innocent people in jail, We have a large number of minorities and poor people in jail... what a system, eh!
Ex- security guards acquitted of theft files suit
March, 23, 2010 (In Yoface News,lol.)-- Anthony Artley and DeWayne Williams who both were acquitted of theft charges have filed a Federal law suit against the Waukegan Public Schools, naming all then board members in the suit, accusing them of malicious prosecution, extreme defamation, failing to conduct a reasonable investigation and violation of their Civil Rights. Artley and Williams were security officers at Waukegan Public Schools High School. In 2008, both men were charged with six Class 3 felony thefts. Following their arrests, Artley and Williams were released on $35,000 personal recognizance bonds. Officials also said they were placed on un-paid administrative leave by the school district. Artley and Williams were found not guilty, and the judge suggested the District and authorities overreacted to the situation.
The arrests were the result of an investigation launched back in July of 2008, after school officials asked police to look into allegations of payroll and accounting irregularities. Asked how much money the men are accused of taking, then Waukegan Police Chief Biang said, "It's all still under investigation. We're not done counting it, and there are more things that might come out." Biang added that the amounts "will be substantial." Prosecutors alleged that the men worked other jobs during hours when they were supposed to be on duty in Waukegan. They were cleared on six counts of theft each.
That the men were found not guilty came as no surprise to Artley's attorney, Douglas Roberts, who questioned why the men were ever charged."I don't think that the judge had any choice," Roberts said. "The state was woefully short in the evidence that they needed (for a guilty verdict)." During the bench trials, many witnesses -- including the security officers' former supervisor, Al Rogers -- testified that the time sheets turned in by staff only represent hours they are scheduled to work, and not necessarily their actual hours. Roberts and Williams' attorney, Elliot Pinsel, argued from the beginning of the case that their clients were simply following a protocol that had been in place for years. Roberts said he thought Rogers' testimony was the most helpful, because he explained that security guards were often allowed to work different hours than what they were scheduled as long as Rogers verbally approved it.
"(Rogers's testimony) had all the weight in the world," Roberts said. "He is a department head, and he is authorized to set shifts and make changes."Pinsel said he thinks the trial could have been avoided if school officials spoke with Artley and Williams before going to police, Pinsel said. "Where do the guys go to get their reputation back?" he asked. The Districts officials were not available for comments regarding the suit.
I couldn't have said it better myself. The sad part about this whole situation is that most of you are not aware of is all this started because of a "scorned woman"(P. wILLIAMS aka P.Dixon ) and instead of the school board following procedures they decided to act on "here-say" that of an ex-wife thus, hiring outside investigators and now looking like fools! Waukegan should of spent the tax payers money on updating their school curriculum and trying to help the kids that are 2 years behind other districts.
These are God fearing men that got tangled in a evil web but have overcome and fought back.
Waynster & Artley, YOU GO BOYS.
At the present moment Im a victum of fales accusations made against me from my wife. 10 yeasrs ago she filed a restraining order against me after a heated argument I never layed a hand on her or Threaten her life as she clamed to obtain the restraining order .. now here we are 2 kids & 10 years later (I have a total of 4 kids with this woman) I got into a verbal argument with her boy frend over the phone & she whent down to the police station & said I was harrassing her.. no questions asked & they locked me up . no bail not even a copy of the charges or nothing... I was locked up in jail I did nothing wrong. Just trying to save my family even after seeing the bail unit in the jail they told me i would know what my bail was by the end of the day . needless to say the end of the day came & went . & the next mornining i asked the c.o. Whats going on i havent herd anything about the amount of my bail. He told me i would know something by the afternoon . needless to say the afternoon came & went . then i Asked the C.O about it & he said he has no way of fining out anything . then the fallowing day i aproched the C.O asking him about my bail agen & He Boldley clamed that i was harrasing him & if I said one more word to him he was going to thro me in to lock down !!! At that piont i was very up set . so i left him alone .. it wasent intell the fallowing day ,, Keep in mind they keep you locked in the jail cell 23 hours of the day & they let you out for 1 hour when they feel like it .. I was laying in the bunk & I heard one of the trusties talking to another inmate about his bail & I jumped up & spoke with the man & explaind to him what was going on He took my name & inmate number & with in 5 min he found out what my bail was $25.000 i used a bondsmen & had to spend $2500 to get out of jail .. I got one of the top lawyers in the state on the case & he,s very confadent were going to get the charges thrown out .this is a nightmair the law is good for weman who do get abused but what do we do when weman abuse the law .
Scorned woman can be a family’s worst night-mare and in the end the children suffer in the long run. Now she has her new boyfriend living with my little girls a terrible thing when a little girl has to grow up with a man that’s not her real-father.
I feel victimized by this law. My wife has used the law in an unfair way. She complained of the illeged violence three days after the incident. I then was arrested and was in jail for three days. Because I was never arrested and the judge placed a $ 30,000 bail I pleaded no contest. I was released with no money because my wife transfered all our joint account into her own name. I lost my employment and my wife also lost her employment and as a result we lost our apartment. My wife tried to alter or change the protective order three times and the court would not until the third time. My wife decided that on the forth time to leave the restaining order and serve me divorce papers. I am in pain, I have two children that I have not seen in four months. It is not fair when the man is willing to work with the other party and the other party can use the law for her own unjust reasons. .
1. It happened to me, too easily I might add. After ten, years of marriage, and fifteen years of being together, my wife, in Philadelphia, Pa, was upset because I ADMITTED having an affair. I talked to her about my feelings before I met this other woman and the reason of lack of sex. My wife and would not have sex for months at a time. That’s what cause me to have the affair with the other woman she was very nice to me, so my wife forgave me and her friends and family must have called her stupid for forgiving me. She got in my face, threw the phone at me, and told me to call the woman so they could fight. All because her bipolar sister was seen in my neighborhood and I asked her if she knew about it. Her sister by the way is a schizo and when my stepson ran away she hid him from her for months and even put her own father out because he was tired of her treating her sons and my stepson like they did no wrong. When I asked her about this, she flipped out and now I’m homeless....and after taking care of my three daughters, and stepson for their whole lives, I can’t see them because of the typo....I believe a polygraph should be used to obtain the order in situations where there is no obvious abuse, it could deter frauds from obtaining orders out of anger. I believe the judge sympathized with her because they were Hispanic, I’m Black and felt lower than shoe scum when the "judge" cussed me out. I am a veteran of war, and have taken care of someone else’s children since I met her.....while he gets to call her all kinds of names, disrespect her whenever, and I get the short end.....im tired of feeling the way I do....fighting back feels good!!!!!! GOD sees all, and time will heal my broken heart, and my girls!!!!
Waukegan police Officer Domenic Cappelluti has made extra money sharing his expertise with police in departments across the country, teaching them how to interrogate suspects, investigate homicides and fight street gangs, according to the Web site that promotes his classes.
His online biography portrays him as a seasoned police officer and a one-time ranking member of an elite investigative unit.
What isn't advertised is his involvement with the interrogations of suspects who confessed to murders for which they are no longer charged. Within four years, Cappelluti was involved in many cases in which he’s accused of forcing false confessions.
Cappelluti interrogated Jerry Hobbs shortly before he confessed to stabbing his young daughter and her friend to death in May 2005. Though Hobbs recanted, the confession sent him to jail for five years before DNA evidence linked the crime to another man and the charges were dropped. In 2008 Anthony Artley, and Dewayne Williams, were found not guilty for allegedly stealing thousands of dollars each from Waukegan schools by ghost pay rolling. It was determined that Cappelluti attempted to coerce Artley into a false confession and sign a blank statement, evidence tampering as well as witness intimidation.
Cappelluti also was involved in a 2009 case in which a suspect confessed, only to be cleared of the charges. These former suspects are now suing the police officer, Waukegan schools and the city of Waukegan, a result of Cappelluti poor interrogation investigation tactics and coerced confessions.
"Obviously, he's good at getting confessions," said Steven Drizin, legal director of Northwestern Law's Center on Wrongful Convictions. "But he's not good at being able to tell a true confession from a false confession."
Along with his main job — for which he was paid more than $100,000 in 2009, according to city records — Cappelluti and other officers affiliated with the same company have traveled the state and country, training police and holding community meetings about street gangs, according to online ads and news clips.
Topics in a class in which Cappelluti and another officer are listed as instructors include "getting confessions from hard-core gang-bangers," according to an online ad.
Cappelluti "teaches homicide investigation and interviewing and interrogation to law enforcement officers and federal agents across the country," the company Web site says.
The classes are held under the title Gang Combat Dynamics, and payments go to a Lake County-based company, Public Grants & Training Initiatives. The woman who owns that company declined to comment.
Since the start of 2009, the company has been paid almost $30,000 for Gang Combat Dynamics classes by North East Multi-Regional Training, a publicly funded group that organizes Chicago-area police training, according to agency records.
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Lake County judicial candidate Patricia Fix is under investigation on a complaint that she allegedly stole campaign signs.
Fix, a 17-year prosecutor for the Lake County State’s Attorney Office, is running as a Democrat for the county’s Second Subcircuit Judgeship against Republican Associate Judge Luis Berrones.
Lake County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Chief Wayne Hunter said the investigation was too fresh to give details.
“We expect to know more by Thursday (today),” said Hunter, who added, “Politics is a dirty business.”
Most of the 200 signs put up over the weekend by the Warren Township Republican Organization disappeared by Tuesday, according to township GOP Chairman Mike Amrozowicz, who said complaints were lodged with the Sheriff’s Office, Waukegan and Gurnee police.
The signs, paid for by the township GOP, say Fix, a Gurnee resident, is not-recommended for the judicial post, a reference to a vote by Lake County Bar Association members who overwhelmingly endorsed Berrones. We have received a verbal report that there is a citizen complaint claiming that Ms. Fix may have been involved in an incident involving campaign signs,” Jeff Pavletic, chief deputy state’s attorney, confirmed Wednesday.
Pavletic said his office is waiting for additional reports and the completion of an investigation by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.
“We’re actively looking into this matter,” Pavletic said. “Ms. Fix was not in the office today, but I have made a request that I want to speak to her immediately regarding this matter.”
Pavletic said he gets complaints of campaign sign thievery every election cycle.
“But this is certainly different given that the complaint focuses on someone who works in the State’s Attorney’s Office. That’s something we haven’t had to deal with in the past.”
According to her Web site, Fix is a victim’s advocate and a founding member of the county’s Computer Crime Task Force. She has been a lead attorney in a number of high-profile prosecutions. Amrozowicz said an eyewitness allegedly saw Fix removing signs bought by the GOP in Gurnee on Tuesday. He said he tracked the vehicle to the public parking lot adjacent to the Lake County Court Administrative Facility in downtown Waukegan.
“I was shocked to find our signs in Patricia Fix’s vehicle,” he said. “Integrity is part of the job description for a judge. “For a judge candidate to steal signs shows a total disregard for the law and the ability to follow the code of ethics required to be a judge.”Amrozowicz said he was told the action will be investigated by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office, since a conflict prevents the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office to conduct an investigation into the conduct of one of its employees.
Attempts to reach Fix were unsuccessful.
www.abisoft.org/opinions/2011/1_10-cv-01840_20110210.pdf · PDF file
Plaintiffs Anthony Artley and DeWayne Williams alleged that they suffered race discrimination when the District falsely accused them of theft, had them arrested and indicted, suspended and discharged them from employment, and failed to recall them once they was cleared of all charges.
A man cleared by DNA of killing his daughter and her friend in Zion in 2005 has settled his lawsuit against police and prosecutors, taking in more than $6 million, according to court records.
Jerry Hobbs sued several Lake County authorities in 2010, the year he was released after five years in jail awaiting trial. He had confessed to stabbing the girls after a grueling interrogation that stretched over 24 hours, but DNA evidence later linked the crime to another man.
The largest cut of the settlement will come from Waukegan's insurers, who will pay $4 million, according to an August agreement obtained by the Tribune through an open records request. Though the double murder happened in Zion, various municipalities share responsibility for Hobbs' arrest because the case was investigated by the multiagency Lake County Major Crimes Task Force.
When Hobbs was arrested, former Waukegan officer and current Ald. William Valko was a commander on the task force. Two city officers — Charles Schletz and Domenic Cappelluti — were heavily involved in his interrogation, court records show.
Hobbs' attorney, Kathleen Zellner, said the settlement was "a recognition of the brutality … of the way that he was treated."
Attorneys for the city and the officers could not be reached for comment.
Hobbs, now of Wichita Falls, Texas, had already settled with Zion for $2 million and Lake County prosecutors for $250,000, with most of the money to come from insurers, according to the agreements. Court records show Hobbs also settled this spring with Vernon Hills. Zellner declined to give the amount of that settlement, and Vernon Hills officials could not be reached for comment.
None of the municipalities acknowledged wrongdoing. It remains unclear where all the money will come from, as some insurers are battling municipalities in court over who will pay, Zellner said.
Hobbs was arrested shortly after his daughter, Laura, 8, and her friend Krystal Tobias, 9, were found dead in a park. Though tests in 2007 found another man's semen in his daughter's body, according to court records, prosecutors insisted the evidence didn't prove Hobbs' innocence because the girl could have touched the material while playing in a spot in the park where couples went for sex.
In 2010, prosecutors agreed to free Hobbs after DNA linked the evidence to former Zion resident Jorge Torrez, who had been arrested for a series of attacks on women in the Washington, D.C., area.
Torrez is serving five life sentences for the attacks, and he awaits trial in the Zion double murder as well as another woman's murder in Washington in 2009.
It's 2018 people let's stop the madness!!!
his has to be terribly embarrassing to the School Board, both Superintendents and the Waukegan Police Department whom all refused to explain why this lack of follow up and completely operating outside of procedures has costs sums in tax payer’s money. To continue such political corruption and police cover ups, seemingly designed by the School Board and the Major’s office to obtain the Director of Security position.. The Police department even withdraws from the investigation early in Feb 08 after determining nothing was there during the searching of pay documents, which poses the question. “IS THIS A SETUP?????
The School Board hires an outside investigation service “OF FORMAL FBI & POLICE” to resume the witch hunt. The data must support the apparent implications for the public /tax payers to buy in to the SCAM!!!! Waukegan’s Schools Board has Scammed the public and tax payers are stuck paying the bill$$$$$$$ they refuse to answer legitimate questions regarding the real point and purpose of the School Board’s witch hunt!!! The School Board’s using inaccurate and outdated information in its attempts to justify a staged crime. The School Board is aware this action doesn’t reflect actual policy and patterns of its processes. “Really now “ accusing two security guards of scamming $ 2,300 over a two year period is not worth spending over $250.000 of tax payers money. If this was a true accusation “why” not just fire the two men as pass practices deemed so many times in the past. There are many incidents where former employees of District 60 were fired due to time falsification. They were giving an administrative due processing hearing and if found that violations had occurred that employee was fired or asked to resigned. It’s like the world turned upside-down with the not guilty verdict. People of all forms voice their personal opinion and attacked these men without knowing the FACTS!!!!!
I heard many Lake county residents express in glowing details their critical evaluation and person attacks of the men falsely accused. The two men were deemed guilty before a trail even began. Most likely, since the public depend on the school system to provide them with the information they use to make decisions, the problem is more than one of the not exercising effective oversight over the school system’s processes. The public was being mislead and fooled by the media “ A useful weapon when attempts are made to persuade the public and jury. The School Board is ultimately responsible for spending $250.00 dollars$$$ on this fake case.
When a bureaucrat embarrasses the elected officials who’ve committed an oversight over him, it’s not uncommon for the career of that bureaucrat to be cut somewhat short. Restoring confidence in the County’s Schools officials of District 60. Whose responsibility is probably not an option, but an imperative? The School Board has the position for simply just doing a good job and being honest with the taxpayers/ public. It’s an object lesson in earned political capital.
I’m surprised that the Police and local Mayor’s office is in such a position any lessons learned? In any case they WERE apart of this witch hunt and in the process two men lives were damaged. I attended parts of the trail during Mr. Artley’s testimony and evidence was present that Mr. Artley was indeed with the I. A .Police department and an up scale professional. I was very impressed with his demeanor and the way he answered all the questions during his cross examination with the State’s Attorney. Mr. Artley testimony was direct and concise covering lots of missing information concerning the School Board conspiracy. The State Attorney's continuing objections to information provided filled the courtroom, however the Judge stated “you are over rule” I want to hear from the Mr. Artley. Mr. Artley testimony cover the proof of evidence provided during the entire court trial.... . What a mess!!!
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